Unfortunately many men, and an amazingly high number of women, will experience from some form of hair loss during their lives and often that hair loss will be deep-rooted. Medical science has been attempting to find the true cause of hair loss ever since hair has been falling out of people's heads.
Hair Loss And It's Characteristics
A person's hair doesn't turn white. But stress can cause rapid hair loss and "reveal" white hair that was already white.
Just like the physical signs of aging, such as gray hair and balding, there is an explanation why thinning hair occurs in many individuals.
We need to look at how hair grows and what factors can interfere with this natural process to fully comprehend the reasons why people lose their hair.
First of all, it has to be said that hair growth occurs in two distinct phases:
1. The growth phase known as the Anagen phase;
2. The resting phase known as the Telogen phase;
About ninety percent of hair on our head grows during the first phase, between the ages of two to seven. The residual hairs on our body are in the second resting phase that can last anywhere between two to four months.
The natural percentage of hair loss is between 50 to 150 hairs a day. Once a hair has been shed that certain follicle begins a growth phase, to replace the lost hair. This cycle of growth and rest should continue through many cycles during our life, but this is not always the case.
Hair loss problems occur when this natural cycle is disrupted and the natural fallout rate is more than that natural re-growth rate. Moreover, certain factors can give a hair re-growth that is much weaker and thinner than the pre-existing hair that is being replaced.
Consequently, the problem can go on for so many years without it being noticed. There does not appear to be a problem, since each hair is being replaced. As time goes by, each re-growth of shed hair gets weaker and thinner. In this case baldness and hair loss can appear to be a very sudden onset, but it is something that has been active for several years.
Fortunately from the point of view of being able to treat and prevent the problem, science has found the true cause of hair loss. It is widely believed that the origin of hair loss is an increased level of testosterone that begins in childhood gradually leading to an excessive imbalance in another hormone DHT (dihydrotestosterone).
Blood supply to the hair follicle is reduced when large amounts of DHT are present, the actual blood vessels that feed each hair follicle begin to shrink as time goes by, making blood flow to the hair follicles even more troublesome. A deficient blood supply leads to weak, thin hair re-growth, which gets progressively worse over time. The eventual outcome is a growth that is little more than wispy short hair that is barely visible. At this point, the person is afflicted from androgenic allopecia, a condition more commonly known as male pattern baldness. Little is known about why and how these levels of DHT get to the level where they create a problem with hair loss. As of today the cause of premature baldenss is largely attributed to genetic factors.
Temporary Hair Loss
There are several factors affecting men and women that can cause temporary hair loss.
Some of the more common cause of temporary hair loss are;
1. scalp infections;
2. inappropriate application of hair care products;
3. side affects of several medications and medical procedures (surgery and chemotherapy for example) and inadequate nutrition for healthy hair growth.
Usually once the cause of hair loss is established and the appropriate treatment given, hair growth can return to normal.
The most important thing in successfully treating any kind of hair loss is to find out as soon as possible the principal cause of the hair loss and then instantaneously begin with the appropriate treatment. Preventive measures should be taken as soon as possible when experiencing hair loss now or when a person could reasonably expect hair loss in the future based on past family medical history.
An appropriate hair care regime should be taken into consideration. Part of this regime comprehends an adequate nutrition, including nutrients that have a known hair growth function such as Biotin, Zinc and the herb Saw Pallmeto.
The last thing to consider is that there are many hair loss treatment options available at the moment. There are numerous natural over the counter preparations that have undergone some clinical trials and have had some success in preventing baldness and promoting re-growth of normal healthy hair.
Don't forget, if the natural way does not give the wishful results, there are always hair restoration techniques such as hair extensions, hair transplants and wigs that offer even more options to treat balding.
Hair Loss And It's Characteristics
A person's hair doesn't turn white. But stress can cause rapid hair loss and "reveal" white hair that was already white.
Just like the physical signs of aging, such as gray hair and balding, there is an explanation why thinning hair occurs in many individuals.
We need to look at how hair grows and what factors can interfere with this natural process to fully comprehend the reasons why people lose their hair.
First of all, it has to be said that hair growth occurs in two distinct phases:
1. The growth phase known as the Anagen phase;
2. The resting phase known as the Telogen phase;
About ninety percent of hair on our head grows during the first phase, between the ages of two to seven. The residual hairs on our body are in the second resting phase that can last anywhere between two to four months.
The natural percentage of hair loss is between 50 to 150 hairs a day. Once a hair has been shed that certain follicle begins a growth phase, to replace the lost hair. This cycle of growth and rest should continue through many cycles during our life, but this is not always the case.
Hair loss problems occur when this natural cycle is disrupted and the natural fallout rate is more than that natural re-growth rate. Moreover, certain factors can give a hair re-growth that is much weaker and thinner than the pre-existing hair that is being replaced.
Consequently, the problem can go on for so many years without it being noticed. There does not appear to be a problem, since each hair is being replaced. As time goes by, each re-growth of shed hair gets weaker and thinner. In this case baldness and hair loss can appear to be a very sudden onset, but it is something that has been active for several years.
Fortunately from the point of view of being able to treat and prevent the problem, science has found the true cause of hair loss. It is widely believed that the origin of hair loss is an increased level of testosterone that begins in childhood gradually leading to an excessive imbalance in another hormone DHT (dihydrotestosterone).
Blood supply to the hair follicle is reduced when large amounts of DHT are present, the actual blood vessels that feed each hair follicle begin to shrink as time goes by, making blood flow to the hair follicles even more troublesome. A deficient blood supply leads to weak, thin hair re-growth, which gets progressively worse over time. The eventual outcome is a growth that is little more than wispy short hair that is barely visible. At this point, the person is afflicted from androgenic allopecia, a condition more commonly known as male pattern baldness. Little is known about why and how these levels of DHT get to the level where they create a problem with hair loss. As of today the cause of premature baldenss is largely attributed to genetic factors.
Temporary Hair Loss
There are several factors affecting men and women that can cause temporary hair loss.
Some of the more common cause of temporary hair loss are;
1. scalp infections;
2. inappropriate application of hair care products;
3. side affects of several medications and medical procedures (surgery and chemotherapy for example) and inadequate nutrition for healthy hair growth.
Usually once the cause of hair loss is established and the appropriate treatment given, hair growth can return to normal.
The most important thing in successfully treating any kind of hair loss is to find out as soon as possible the principal cause of the hair loss and then instantaneously begin with the appropriate treatment. Preventive measures should be taken as soon as possible when experiencing hair loss now or when a person could reasonably expect hair loss in the future based on past family medical history.
An appropriate hair care regime should be taken into consideration. Part of this regime comprehends an adequate nutrition, including nutrients that have a known hair growth function such as Biotin, Zinc and the herb Saw Pallmeto.
The last thing to consider is that there are many hair loss treatment options available at the moment. There are numerous natural over the counter preparations that have undergone some clinical trials and have had some success in preventing baldness and promoting re-growth of normal healthy hair.
Don't forget, if the natural way does not give the wishful results, there are always hair restoration techniques such as hair extensions, hair transplants and wigs that offer even more options to treat balding.