Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Temporary Hair Loss And Vitamin Deficiency.

We all need a diet rich in vitamins, minerals and trace elements to provide us with a balanced diet for good health.

For those whose hair lines are receding the search goes on to find the cure. What they might not understand is that in most cases, it is completely normal for hair to fall out.  Permanent hair loss, or pattern baldness, occurs when genetics prevent new hair from growing sufficiently to replace the ones that fall out.

It must be recognized that there are other cases when hair loss can be a sign of a serious medical problem.  This condition is known as temporary hair loss, because genes did not predetermine the loss of hair.  A major cause of temporary hair loss is vitamin deficiency.

Are There Vitamins That Prevent Hair Loss?

Vitamins are extremely important to maintaining a healthy head of hair.  Hair loss could be caused by a deficiency of one or several vitamins in any of these nutrients.  Fortunately, all that is necessary to reverse the temporary hair loss is following a helthy diet!

For example, vitamin A promotes the healthy growth of both cells and tissue in various parts of the body, including the cells in the scalp and hair.  A deficiency in vitamin A can lead to hair loss and dandruff, especially if the deficiency occurs for an extended period of time.  We recommend that you get the vitamin A you need by consuming lots of leafy vegetables, colorful fruits, liver, eggs, and fish oil.

If you are suffering from anyone of three vitamin B deficiencies, (more specifically folic acid, vitamin B6, and vitamin B12) are important to the creation of red blood cells and hemoglobin.  The hemoglobin transports oxygen to various body tissues, including the hair cells.  A deficiency in vitamin B may cause hair loss due to the resulting reduced blood and oxygen supply to the hair.  We suggest you eat plenty of chicken, fish, whole grains, beets, and orange juice to strengthen your intake of vitamin B.

Also being deficient in biotin could cause hair loss.  Though deficiency in biotin is rare, it has been observed in some cases.  Biotin is found in select foods, it is also produced in the intestines by good bacteria.  Most people who eat a healthy diet would never experience hair loss as a result of deficiency in this vitamin.  However, if this does occur, vitamin supplements can be taken.

Is There Anything Else You Should Know?

The following vitamins and minerals are important to the growth and maintenance of hair.  These vitamins and minerals include zinc, iron, vitamin C, and copper.  If you do not receive an adequate amount of these vitamins, make sure to look for food sources rich in these vitamins and minerals or begin taking supplements.

Is It Really Thatt Easy!

If you are suffering from hair loss, you are no doubt willing to go to any extent to find a cure. For some, it’s as easy as making changes to their diet.  Wouldn’t it be great if everyone could simply change their eating habits to get the results they want to see?  

As modern medicine continues in research and development, it is not to hard to conceive that some of the hair loss treatments available today do actually work in stimulating re-growth of the hair follicles where once there was none. No individual is the same and each may react differently to different treatments therefore, it may require you to try different treatments before finding the one that works for you.

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