Balding is not a theme that people like to acknowledge, but is one of deep concern for widespread human beings who imagine that they have to live with the embarrassment of it. I constantly say that education beats fear every time, and for those who have deep concerns, this article will be well worth their while, at least it is a guide to get them started in the right direction.
To begin with, it is important to briefly touch on hair itself; hair is if truth be told is just a strand of dead protein, that is made in the hair follicle. The important thing to know, is that "modern" medicine is only beginning to admit is that hair can be analyzed to measure what your diet is and what needs to be remedied.
The reason that balding comes to happen is that the hair follicles that produce the strands of dead protein purely avert making it, and they shut down, but the reason behind this shut down is more complicated, and it pertains to the individual. The important factors being things like stress, nutrition, chemotherapy, surgery, strict cosmetics, immune system irregularities, thyroid disorders, genetics, and hormonal imbalances.
Be vigilant of the "modern' medicine professionals who weren't trained in such things, since they have a tendency to put what they don't know into a box that they do know, and that is very hazardous, and I say that since it's important to have the right diagnosis.
Do not be scared when you see balding, like when you see hair in your comb. It is natural to lose about 50 to 100 strands a day. What is important is that the right diagnosis is made, and the respective cause be identified, for example with nutrition as the problem, it is frequently vitamin A, D, Iron, or protein deficiencies that can cause the hair to fall out. In a stress situation, a mordant loss can take its toll on the scalp, shutting down the follicle, or, as I call it, "the hair factory". Menstrual cycles and seasons can also cause balding in women, but it does tend to resolve in excess of a short period. In the case of stress, supplements are good, along with lifestyle change.
No matter what the possible cause of your balding its important that the cause of the hair loss be diagnosed properly.