What We Know About Real Baldness

The the most common form of baldness is known as the Male Pattern Baldness also named Androgenic Alopecia. This condition many times takes place amongst adult male humans. It involves a state of non attendance of hair chiefly on the head. Hair replacement as easy as wearing a wig or toupee is today considered one of the options in dealing this condition. Alternative hair replacement may be having a surgical procedure executed or other medical treatments that can stimulate the follicles of the hair thus it would begin growing again.

There is much said about the different causes of baldness. These are in reference to one's intelligence, ethnicity, virility, wealth and social class.

Baldness is inherited from the father of your mother and tests have showed that the gene for the androgen receptor important in shaping the probability of hair loss is located on the X chromosome and there is a 50% chance that an individual has the same X chromosome as their maternal grandfather. Nevertheless, some of these tests also suggests that a person with a balding father may also have a greater chance of experiencing baldness.

Psychological troubles or enormous intellectual activity may cause baldness by the fact that studies have revealed that there is a notion that bald men are more intelligent. Even if this may not be altogether true, baldness may be linked to wisdom simply for the reason that  men go bald as they advance in age and become more worldly-minded and experienced in life issues.

Emotional stress is considered a reason for baldness; as a matter of fact, it has been demonstrated that emotional stress can accelerate baldness in genetically vulnerable individuals.

Bald men are sexually active and more virile as levels of free testosterone are strongly linked to libido but on the other hand,  hair loss and free testosterone weaken with age and as a result a male's hairline may be more indicative of their past rather than their present disposition.
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