The Connection between Menopause and Hair loss in Women

Hair loss in Women
As we all know, when a woman reaches a definite age their hormones play a huge part in changing their lives. Menopause is the reason for the various changes that occur to them often needing hormone replacement treatments to counter balance the effects. Menopause and hair loss in women is common and can cause hair loss directly, whilst sometimes the treatments that are recommended for the treatment of the menopause have a side-effect or side effects which can cause hair loss.

Understanding menopause and hair loss in women, why it happens is key to being able to go on and eventually knowing what treatments to look out for.

Baldness, or the official name 'Alopecia', means entire or partial loss of hair on the head and body. It can take place on just the head or just the body, and we see more cases of hair loss from the head than we see from the body. Balding can be hereditary, or can be brought about via things like stress, surgery, side-effects of treatments for other conditions, cancer treatments and also delivery. These are just some of commonly found causes of hair loss in women, though treatments to improve and sometimes help cure Alopecia are tremendously advanced in today's world.

What happens is that during menopause and hair loss in women, the balding effect starts with the  thinning of the hair that becomes a little more pronounced. Like middle aged men, around half of women over the age of fifty will see a widening of the partings and thinning of the hair will be at its worst. There has been evidence of the male menopause too, the symptoms are frequently impregnated with with the changing of your body shape - tiredness and additional levels of testosterone in the body can all contribute. Female and male pattern baldness can be hereditary and it is most often visible from the parents or grandparents. In some cases, females may start to grow facial hair although in small amounts. Once more this can be treated and may go away once the symptoms of the menopause improve.

HRT Treatments for the menopause, like Hormone Replacement Treatments (HRT), can affect hair loss, and thinning of the hair in women. If you are concerned that your prescribed medicine is causing symptoms of hair loss, as a result standard advice would be to request an alternative from your medical doctor.

If you are seeking advice for the hair loss which has not been caused through  menopause, or by the drugs you are taking, it is possible that you have inherited the dominant gene from a member of your family. There are numerous treatments for female hair loss available either over the counter, on prescription or even other remedies can be found. Do be aware even if that if you are currently taking any medication, always seek advice from your doctor before taking anything to ensure that the up to date hair loss remedy that you suggest to take does not interfere, and rather compliments, the course of drugs you are already taking.

Certain ingredients contained in hair loss treatments are repeatedly avoided in use for women, such as Finasteride. This can cause difficulties in developing babies if you are pregnant, or become pregnant, while taking the drug and also if you are breastfeeding. Respectable companies will warn you of facts like this, as a result if you are looking for for a treatment for female hair loss, then use a trusted source. You are also advised to compare hair loss products to find the most appropriate for your own needs.

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