When you see the doctor a few weeks before the day of surgery, he or she will review with you again, what is going to be the procedure. The surgery will be explained in detail so that it will be fresh in your mind before taking that final commitment. It will be no problem, The doctor will go over all the issues you might encounter during the hair loss surgery.
Then you will receive a list of instructions in order that your hair loss surgery will be as smooth as possible. Maybe some elements of the list might seem to you that the doctor is actually interfering with your life, but in reality are fundamental things to do if you are going to get the best result.
If you are a smoker,you will be told to stop smoking, at least until you have recovered the healing process of the surgery itself. This is important because smoking makes you heal more slowly, blocking blood flow to the skin.
It can be hard to do, but if you quit smoking for the surgery only, perhaps then it might not be so difficult. Who knows, after you have done that, you may want to stay away from cigarettes or cigars, even after the hair transplant has healed. If not, then at least you have have left the skin to heal.
You might be given particular instructions for eating in the weeks prior to hair loss surgery. Drinking too much can be a problem because the anesthesia and medications must be taken during surgery, then you may be asked to refrain from drinking until your head has completely healed. You can also be told to take a number of vitamins and medications.
Your doctor will discuss about the location where the hair transplant procedure is going to be done. You could even be accompanied by a nurse or an aid to give you a tour of the facility. The place could either be a clinic or an outpatient surgery center. They will treat you so that you will feel as comfortable as possible. Depending on the outcome, it might not be necessary to stay in hospital overnight.
You will have time to discuss anesthesia with your doctor. He or she will probably tell you that you will be under sedation and local anesthesia. This will be enough to help you relax and keep the pain from being part of the hair transplant procedure. The only place where you will be feeling a bit of pressure is on your scalp.
When this is all set and done, you will be asked to make arrangements to have someone take you home on the day of the hair loss surgery. You will not be able to drive due to sedation, at least, it would be unwise to do so. Since you probably need to take it easy the first day or two, you can ask someone to stay with you even if it is entirely voluntary.
If you follow the advice of your doctor, you'll be well prepared for your hair loss surgery, when that day comes. It's a big deal for you, then you might as well deal with the seriousness it deserves.