Re-growth Hair Loss Treatment: Choosing over the Counter Products

Hair loss is a widespread incidence in both men and women. Even though women hardly ever lose all their hair, they more often than not experience a thinning of the hair in the region of the crown area. In some cases, the thinning of the hair can become quite pronounced.

If you are one of those individuals who have been gradually losing your hair, you might want to start looking for an over the counter re-growth hair loss treatment. In theory, it is always better to consult a doctor or a hair loss specialist before you try any hair growth products. Nevertheless, if you have no wish to spend a lot of cash on consultations and in-office treatments, an over the counter re-growth hair loss treatment can work as well.

Choosing the Right Re-growth Hair Loss Treatment

If the thinning of your hair is hereditary in nature, over the counter treatments might be good for you. There is only one non-prescriptive medicine for hereditary hair loss that is accepted by the Food and Drug Agency (FDA) and that is minoxidil. Products that contain minoxidil are considered harmless by experts so you can breathe easy. Nonetheless, if you want to use minoxidil based products as a re-growth hair loss treatment, you must be very watchful when following directions in case you end up with unwanted hair growth.

There are minoxidil based products that are devised for men and there are also those that are devised for women. Products that are intended for men typically contain more minoxidil than those products that are for women. Women should not try to use a re-growth hair loss treatment that is intended for men even if this treatment could potentially make the hair grow faster. According to specialists, extra strength minoxidil based products might encourage hair growth on the face and neck. Although facial hair growth is normal for men, facial hair growth is absolutely not normal for women and this phenomenon can be very nerve-racking for them

When selecting over the counter re-growth hair loss treatment products, go for those kinds of lotions that can be applied directly on the head twice a day. Lotions are regarded as safer because you can manage the application better than the liquid shampoo.

How Effective Are These Over the Counter Products?

In most cases, you will need to use an over the counter re-growth hair loss treatment products for at least a couple of months before you can see some results. According to reports, it might take around 4 to 12 months before one can really see some recovery in your hair.

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