Sunday, March 23, 2025

Causes Of Sudden Hair Loss

Here are the two main reasons that a person suffers from sudden hair's their genes and it can also be due to stress. And let me tell you, it's not just men who suffer from this, women can get hit by the hair loss bug too! if you've ever experienced hair coming out in clumps in your hairbrush or waking up in the morning to find a collection of hairs on your pillow, you'll know how hair loss can be really affecting.

It's also true that a sudden trauma can cause you to lose your hair. If you were involved in a serious accident or are recovering from surgery this could be a cause for your sudden loss of hair.

I found a way to combat my own hair loss in the herbal supplement provillus but more of that later. What are the other possible causes of hair loss?

Another cause of your sudden hair loss may be alopecia. There is currently no known cure for alopecia and it's usually recognisable when the hair falls out in patches resulting in random bald spots on your head. You may have to visit a doctor to work out the exact reasons for your sudden hair loss but if it's just the usual hereditary hair loss...the bane of all men (and some women) well that can be taken care of.

I'm not talking about messy hair transplants either. You can now get an all natural substance which serves to restrict the flow of DHT in the body which we now know to be the cause of hair loss. I used it...nothing happened....I almost gave up and ickle bits of hair started to grow back. Now my confidence has returned and, oh just go and read my provillus review - I think you'll like what you see...

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