Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Keeping Your Hair

It may not be what we want but hair loss is quite a normal bodily function. The list of all the possible causes is exceedingly long but it is a common problem that affects millions of men, women, and children. Although there are a number of fancy names for types of hair loss, the correct medical term is Alopecia. Androgenic Alopecia may not be a term you have heard but it accounts for nearly ninety five out of one hundred cases of hair loss in men; it is usually referred to as Androgenic Alopecia, and it's hereditary.

Some people only loss a small amount of hair and this is often down to a poor diet and is worth checking with you specialist. There are other reasons though, some of which you may know including: mental tension, stress, hormonal imbalance or perhaps an over exposure to chemicals or cosmetics. It is worth noting that only conditions that damage the follicles can make the loss permanent. Surprisingly, women account for nearly 4 in every 10 sufferers in America today; so it is not, as commonly thought, a male problem.

Hair loss is in fact more common with women as they age but it is often caused by a thyroid problem. By the age of sixty, four out of every ten women in the world will have experienced some loss. Another period where women may suffer some hair loss that is not age related is during and after pregnancy. Approximately 30 million women in the United States experience female pattern, hereditary baldness.

A new but a treatment that is becoming increasingly popular is surgical hair restoration; it is considered the ultimate solution for those who suffer with permanent hair loss. Healthy hair follicles are transplanted from one area of the scalp to an area where the hair follicles have died. The whole hair transplant procedure is carried out on an out-patient basis under local anesthetic and is becoming the most routinely used form of treatment for males. Many women are now deciding on hair transplant surgery as a method to hide scarring cause by facelifts for example.

The most successful hair transplants are those where the recipient tries to maintain his original looks and not to attempt to appear like someone else. A consideration before any hair transplant surgery is commenced is the physical and mental wellbeing of the recipient. While cosmetic surgery does include hair restoration as one of its sub-fields, this is a different form of cosmetic treatment available. If all other hair treatment therapies have failed then it's possible that a surgical hair transplant might be the only permanent solution available for your hair loss condition.

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