Once you have decided to have hair loss transplant surgery, you are most likely jumping ahead to thinking about your post-op plans. You probably cannot wait to see the faces on your buddies and acquaintances when they notice your latest head full of hair. In the meanwhile, you have to have surgery to accomplish this and make sure that your hair transplant will be successful.
Your head will not heal unless you keep the newly operated-on skin out of the sunlight. The surgery will render the skin very sensitive to the touch. If you protect the skin on your scalp after getting a hair loss transplant surgery, you will help the wounds heal much faster. You can probably go out wearing a hat for a short time. It does not matter what sort of hat it is, as long as it is fairly loose-fitting therefore that it doesn't rub on your new hair transplant grafts. After a couple of weeks, you can replace the hat with sunscreen, which should have an SPF of at least 30.
Having just the right amount of blood flow to the hair transplant sites will make a big difference in how fast the hairs regrow. For instance, you need to make sure you get sufficient blood flow at night. You can do this by sleeping on pillows and elevating your head. Your pillows can be used, or you can purchase wedge-shaped pillows made for this intent. You should also have plenty of rest after your hair loss transplant surgery. For the first few weeks it is not judicious to engage in any physically busy activities as the blood flow will be too much. In this case, your transplants may start to bleed.
It is essential to clean your hair just as your physician recommends after hair loss transplant surgery. You will be given a particular shampoo to use and personal instructions on how and when to use it. It is essential to clean gently but thoroughly. At first, you may find yourself rinsing your hair numerous times a day. Just be sure that you do not bother the hair transplant site by way of scratching or rubbing it.
Your hair loss transplant physician will want you to come in for a check of your transplants about a week after your surgery. Be sure to be at that appointment on time. If you have any questions about how to care for your hair, bring them up at that time.
Ask your physician when you will be ready to use a comb on your regrown hair. You might be surprised at how soon you can handle one. Then, your physician will schedule other check-ups, which you should also attend.
At first it may seem as if you have to be extremely careful with your hair. It is absurd to spend hundreds or thousands of dollars having your hair loss transplant surgery and consequently not follow through with any care at all. Nevertheless, in no time at all, you will be treating this new hair just as you treated the hair you once had there.