Although the majority of physicians will tell you there is no such thing as a hair loss cure, there are profuse products on the market proposing that they can cure your hair loss issue. One of these is Rogaine, a topical treatment that you should apply to the scalp two times a day. Nevertheless, this treatment is not a hair loss cure since once you stop using it, you risk losing your hair again. If you observe the list of ingredients in this hair loss product, you will find that the main one is alcohol. This is one of the top ingredients that has been useful for years in hair loss cures.
Individuals have continuously searched for a cure for hair loss. As far back as the early part of the 20th century, seven sisters claimed they had an excellent hair loss cure. As proof, they used the pictures of their father as a bald man and then with a full head of hair to demonstrate that their hair loss cure worked. The ingredients they used were alcohol, borox and quinine, toxic ingredients that one would never dream of utilizing for a hair loss cure. Even back then, persons were looking for a way to recover their hair because these sisters made a considerable profit selling their hair loss product.
The product they used is practically the basis on which a standard modern day hair loss cure is based. You simply could moisten a piece of white flannel cloth, the exact size of your head, with the solution. Keep it on your head all night and if you have problems keeping it on, you can always wear a cap to keep it in place. According to the reports written about this baldness cure, the solution helps to make loose the matter that is caked on the hair follicles causing them to stop growing. The solution penetrates into the roots and helps to regenerate them. This is the same principle that hair loss cures are based on nowadays.
The issue with a hair loss cure is that if it works, why are there then numerous different products on the market available. If a real cure for baldness were found, it would be in the headlines of all the distinguished newspapers and magazines. Although these so-called hair loss cures may work and incite hair growth, the process takes a long time and anyone using the products has to have so much patience.